Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Hay of Tragedy

The Republicans are salvaging what they can from Katrina. They regretfully point out that there's plenty of blame to go around, and while pointing several fingers at governor and mayor, they decry the pointing of fingers. While the spinners spin, their money men are busy devising ways to profit from the destruction.

By now, most Americans have wised up.

Most of us see that this is not an isolated instance of management failure, but the failure of a philosophy. The federal government doesn't need to be relegated to a war machine, nor represent corporations over people, nor be solely in the business of business.

The federal government needs to respond to the needs of the people it represents, whoever those people may be, in whatever circumstance their need. A country is only as great as its infrastructure and the safety net it provides for all its citizens.

That is in direct opposition to the ruling theory, which, while it decries evolution, nevertheless implies not only survival but enrichment of the fittest, with the leftover crumbs scattered to the rest of us in the guise of charity, noblesse oblige and all that aristocratic crap.

See how well that worked in New Orleans?

The irony is they've sold this to the voting public as an alternative to the elitism of those of us who actually want government for all the people, not just those who manage horse shows and happen to room with the right folks in college.

Us 'intellectules' who've worked our asses off to know more than the privileged dumb asses presently running the show and still have trouble making our car payments have somehow become the elite, while those who make billions off the nation's disasters are merely humble public servants.

The party of the elite? The 'librul' threat to your bank account? Follow the money from here on, folks. Watch where the rebuilding dollars go. There's your elite, not some poor schmuck in tweed or blue jeans worrying about his mortgage the same as you.


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