Thursday, October 06, 2005

Defining the Enemy

Bush: Radicals Seek to Intimidate World

Oct 6, 12:14 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, trying to reverse a slide in public support for the war in Iraq, said Thursday that Islamic radicals are seeking to "enslave whole nations and intimidate the world," and called that a prime reason not to cut and run in Iraq...

..."We are facing a radical ideology with immeasurable objectives to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world," Bush said.
I'm in Shock and Awe.

(edit:)At Oct 6, 5:30 PM (ET), the headline now reads: Bush: Militants Seek to Establish Empire. The story has been expanded to include some foreshadowing about the future of Iran and Syria.

Asked about the president's singling out of Iran and Syria as "allies of convenience," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, "They continue to move in the wrong direction."
Sounds like the strategy outlined in The New American Century isn't dead after all.

This supports my theory that the current mess in Iraq, rather than the result of total bungling, is part of the plan. Those sixteen permanent bases built in Iraq are obviously there for the long-term.

It's always a mistake to underestimate the empire-builders among us, which makes the new headline even more ironic.


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