Morality vs Treason
Just when it appeared Republicans had hit a new low, they managed to dig themselves deeper. The talking heads were wielding the shovels on the Sunday talk shows, spinning the outing of an undercover CIA agent as just politics as usual and the resulting investigation as partisan nit-picking.
This from the party that investigated a sitting president for seven years based on rumors they themselves created, then ended up prosecuting his sex life. Then, of course, it wasn't the sex but lying about it that aroused their sensitivities and gave them an excuse for an impeachment hearing. Morality, you know.
Let's see, lying about sex versus seeking revenge on a man who exposed a lie that led to thousands of deaths, revenge which violated some vague -- well, okay, then -- some very specific law having to do with treason.
Surely sane Republicans, assuming some still exist, can appreciate the hypocrisy. But the talking heads weren't appealing to sanity. Desperation has driven them to rousing the fanatics who will believe anything they're told in the name of moral leadership. Treason is such a small thing in the face of God's Will.
After all, Bush's War may have killed tens of thousands of living, breathing humans, but in the meantime, by God, he's saved thousands of stem cells.
If you believe that's a fair trade, vote Republican.
This from the party that investigated a sitting president for seven years based on rumors they themselves created, then ended up prosecuting his sex life. Then, of course, it wasn't the sex but lying about it that aroused their sensitivities and gave them an excuse for an impeachment hearing. Morality, you know.
Let's see, lying about sex versus seeking revenge on a man who exposed a lie that led to thousands of deaths, revenge which violated some vague -- well, okay, then -- some very specific law having to do with treason.
Surely sane Republicans, assuming some still exist, can appreciate the hypocrisy. But the talking heads weren't appealing to sanity. Desperation has driven them to rousing the fanatics who will believe anything they're told in the name of moral leadership. Treason is such a small thing in the face of God's Will.
After all, Bush's War may have killed tens of thousands of living, breathing humans, but in the meantime, by God, he's saved thousands of stem cells.
If you believe that's a fair trade, vote Republican.
It's not just the Republican Party that has displayed this mind exploding hypocrisy - it's also the New York Times.
What's up with that?
re - "What's up with the NYT signing on to mind-exploding Repug. hypocrisy?"
That, unfortunately, is an EASY one. You see, all through the 1990s the NEW YORK TIMES thought it would be fun and profitable - and easy - to jump on the BASH CLINTON r-w bandwagon. It seemed harmless for, oh, about the first few days ("Ark. gov. Clinton has a GIRLFRIEND on the side!"), until Vince Foster blew his brains out. From then on, the Clinton-haters got NASTIER, and the New York Times got LAZIER. The rest, as they say, is history. Wen Ho Lee- the nyt personal vendetta to frame the scientist as a Chi-com spy. WHITEWATER - the Time's singlehandedly kept that "scandal" alive when all the facts led to dead-ends, allowing the Repub. LYNCH MOB to convienently FORGET the BILLIONS lost by S&Ls associated with Pres. Bush Sr. (Sr. deferred the audit-examination of Charles Keatings Lincoln S&L for a full year, costing taxpayers an ADDITIONAL $1 billion), or Silverado S&L, which lost a billion with Neil Bush on the board of directors. Anyways, for the ENTIRE tenure of the Clinton White House, the NYT editors and PUBLISHER (Sulzberger?) gave FREE REIGN to william safire, whose daily columns were examples of journalistic malfeasance and license bordering on slander. (Example: The Tuesday, May 4, 1999 edtion of the PBP carried a Safire columnn headlined "Clinton has the toos, but NOT THE COURAGE to finish the job." The article was about the Kosovo war, where Clinton RELUCTANTLY ordered the US military to take action against the Serb military engaged in Ethnic Cleansing. The headline is the PBP's. But you get the idea. For EIGHT YEARS, Clinton was routinely treated LIKE A CRIMINAL in pages of the NEW YORK TIMES, and the more scandalous and salacious the HEADLINES, the more the Times' editors and publisher basked in cheap, sleazy circulation profits.
Old habits die hard, and the TIMES has WEDDED itself to the R-W agenda. In 2000, Tex. Gov. George W. Bush campaigned on "A MORE HUMBLE FOREIGN POLICY." It was a crass swipe at Clinton ("nation building" is for liberal weenies - WE aren't giving away American tax dollars for third-world competitors!"), but more than that, it was an OUTRIGHT LIE: Bush had already determined to stack his admin. with PNAC bureacrats, including Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, and the PNAC Holy Grail was ATTACKING IRAQ in preparation for attacking Iran and setting up bases in Central Asia - the scene of mass killings of epic proportions for at least 1,000 years.
The PNACrs want to set up huge US military camps in the MIDDLE of all that blood and history, but like cheap SNAKE OIL SALESMEN, they sold us on the OPPOSITE - "a more humble foreign policy."
And the NEW YORK TIMES was there every step of the way, including hounding the Clinton-Gore people out of town in early 2001, which gave President Bush the CARTE BLANCHE he needed to go to Crawford and IGNORE CIA/FBI briefings, "bin Laden Determined to STRIKE IN AMERICA."
The Times has more than journalistic malfeasance to answer for - it is partly responsible for the death of 3,000 New Yorkers.
Amen, brother. And where the hell is the morality in treason? There are too many people out there who have been tricked into believing that Jesus hated homosexuals or stem cell destruction more than killing people for profit. In fact, Jesus hated hypocrisy and lies. It is too bad that the preachers have fooled their flock for so long that they actually have people convinced that it is better to lie about war for finacial gain, and kill our children deliberately for money, than for an individual to seek an abortion out of desperation with no other solution in sight. These false prophets are largely to blame. Their followers are more to blame.
Actually, Bush hasn't saved any stem cells. They've just go to the incinerator, instead of to a scientific lab.
During the Clinton years, I had a subscription to the New York Times Sunday edition. When the impeachment started, after seeing obviously Repub-slanted headlines every day for about a month (and nothing whatsoever to balance the hysteria), I discontinued my subscription. Haven't gone back since, and whenever I get one of those telemarketing calls from the Times asking me to subscribe, I tell them exactly why I choose not to read it.
The Times lost all credibility with me in those years; it has long been a propaganda machine for the corrupt Repubs in this country. If it hadn't been, it would have been screaming about how the Supreme Court chose Bush over Gore despite the fact that Gore won the popular vote. There was no legal reason or precedent for that decision; it was an outrageous theft of the presidency by partisans (Supreme Court justices) who had never been elected to office. Where was the outrage from this venerable model of journalism?
I laugh when people tell me the Times is a "liberal" newspaper. Yup - just like the New York Post. Judy Miller was just the icing on a very, very rotten cake.
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